Coaching Conversations

Transformative coaching is a process of exploring your concerns within your current reality.  This is a conscious time to illuminate underlying assumptions, concepts, beliefs or fears holding you back from moving forward spiritually, in health, or in manifesting your goals.   Coaching sessions are also valuable for intention setting prior to the deeper work of energy healing or breathwork and integration work following those experiences.

Systems of thought are created.  Each of our thought systems is different from another based on our childhood experiences, learned family values, education, and the political, religious, spiritual, economic and social environments we grew up in.  We enter adulthood living within this system.  Along the way we hear calls, nudges, hints or screams, seeking our attention to see outside of the system which may not be congruent with our true selves.

This system of thought is the container from which we view the world. From this framework we automatically jump into a reasoning pattern.  In this context we have predictability, we “know” how things are; our ego likes “to know”.  Our context is what makes things seem possible or impossible. Through dropping down out of the ego mind into the heart mind we can gain clarity and shift our paradigm.  

Julia commits to being completely present, non-judgmental and to deeply listen to your story. From this place of presence, provocative and evocative questions are posed to invite you to dive beneath clouds shadowing your inner knowing.

Transformative Life Coaching is not psychotherapy, consultation, advice, or mentoring. It is a time to for you to examine your goal in terms of your motivations and intentions.

Sessions can be in person or via Zoom.