
Embrace life’s unfolding with active and joyful readiness.



Julia is a graduate from Sophia University’s Transformative Life Coaching Program, is currently in the second year of a shamanic apprenticeship program, a graduate of University of Vermont’s Physical Therapy Program and is a certified Complex Lymphedema Therapist. Her strong desire to master her craft led to hours upon hours of continuing education eventually leading her to Barral Institute studying the visceral and neural bodies and studying Zero Balancing coursework to expand the ability to feel energy through working with the bone body.   

This formal education became enhanced by studying physicists to understand the quantum world, mystics to understand the inner world, and Shaman to understand relationships with reality.   She has participated in workshops and certificate programs offered by Sierra McFeeters at Indigenous Roots, Sparrow Hart at Circles of Air and Stone, Sky Otter a deep ecologist, shamanic guide and spiritual coach, as well as Stanislav Grof, Robert Moss, Jeffrey Allen, Sandra Ingerman, and Barbara Brennan further developing her energetic and perceptual skills.

Beautiful teachers passing on their knowledge from their indigenous elders and ancestors came into her life.   The world of Qi Gong , Yoga, and Shamanism taught by skillful masters allowed her to feel those energies within her body, mind and spirit.   Dream interpretation, nature immersion, breathwork, and plant medicine further enhanced her understanding of the complexities of body, mind and spirit.  Integrating her formal education with her experiential education is when the magic started for her resulting in the manisfestation of Trillium Healing Arts.

Trillium Healing Arts

Trillium Healing Arts emerged from my personal story.  The true colors of my inner being that were subtly shading the weaving of my life’s tapestry began to shine brighter through a dream, so powerful that it continues to walk with me today.  These colors rose to the front of the tapestry illuminating my path, the most rewarding journey of my life.

I dreamed of a snowshoe hike I had once taken, alone under Chief Mountain in Montana 15 years earlier.  I dreamed of the same wolf that I had encountered that day.  However, in this dream the wolf was not alone, but with her pack and I watched them consume me.  I awoke with a start; yet easily drifted back to sleep thinking, “That’s not a bad way to go.” 

My life was killing my soul.  Wolf spirit walked with me, palpably, viscerally for weeks, months.  Wolf spirit’s lesson was one of courage, the courage it takes to live one’s soulful life.  Courage.  I was living a life that I had designed based on what I came to believe was the right way to live a life.  I was living a life which met family expectations, marital expectations, societal expectations. 

I was living a life incongruent with my true being. 

Gandhi said, “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”  The question arose from within me; is what I think congruent with my true self ? Or, are my thoughts born from other’s beliefs embedded in me from childhood, education, relationships, and society? 

My journey started off slowly and not without pain. I meditated, read the works of philosophers, mystics, healers and quantum scientists.  I began walking into the forest with the intention to seek guidance in navigating parts of my life which were stagnant.  As I became more in tune with my energetic self as part of nature, I gained insight from a breeze, a canyon wall, a woodpecker’s drumming.  I developed intention, meditation and gratitude practices to heal.  

Skillful people entered my life meeting me where I was, and mirroring my life back to me.   Wounds, trauma, beliefs that were not serving me, and expectations of others became clear through yoga, dance, meditation, shamanic journeying, and breathwork. I was able to see the child who saw the magic, and understand the rebel within me.  I learned about the power of surrender and discovered my dancer.

Along the way I noticed that my work as a PT was transforming as well. I felt the human body differently. Palpation became more energetic, treatments became more holistic; integrating body, mind and spirit. 

My formal education as a physical therapist, transformative life coach and shamanism has been excellent soil from which Trillium Healing Arts blossoms. The sun which shines on Trillium Healing Arts comes from my love for the natural world. The rain which waters the practice, comes from my personal healing through study, nature immersion, meditation and intention practices.

I am honored and am grateful to be in service to you.

Julia Wolf